Please Help Preetirang to Save More Roosters
Bertha: I did not choose my gender nor the trait to be territorial and fight other roosters for territory and hens. It’s my nature. Should I be punished for my inherent nature? We can’t lay eggs. We didn’t choose that. We are rejected by the poultry industry. If we are aggressive enough, we are used for rooster-fighting. Otherwise, we are useless.
It’s illegal to keep us in residential areas so kind-hearted rescuers can keep us temporarily, if at all.
Sanctuaries don’t always have room for us because our space requirement is high, if we can’t be integrated, to be kept separately from other roosters and with only a few hens.
Most of the times roosters are “rescued” only to be euthanized because they don’t find permanent homes. A life takes form and is destroyed, without ever having a chance to express itself.
PreetiRang Sanctuary, my permanent home, is building a rooster habitat to provide food, love and medical care to some of us, unwanted beings, so we can express our zest for life.
Please help to raise money for a 1,500 square foot fenced rooster habitat with a weather protected building that will have individual homes and “integrated” areas for the different types of roosters. For those of you who have visited PreetiRang before, this will be 3 times the area of the current “Hen Town”.
PreetiRang will receive expert assistance from other sanctuaries in the integration and care of roosters. Please donate towards the infrastructure. Labor for fence-building will be donated.
The cost of the metal building $11,000 (material + labor)
The cost of the fence materials $3,000
Individual areas for roosters that can’t be integrated $4,500.
Individual houses for roosters to roost $1,390
As of April 2, 2017
Total $19,000
Amount raised so far $11,500
Balance needed to raise $7,500